Dental Implants Cost - What is the Cost of Dental Implants?

Dental Implants Cost – What is the Cost of Dental Implants?

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants helps preserve natural tooth tissue and significantly reduces bone resorption. They also provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth that mimic the appearance and function of real teeth.

Your dentist will explain the procedure and help you determine whether an implant is right for you. They will discuss your medical history to ensure that you don’t have conditions that could interfere with surgery or healing, including uncontrolled chronic illnesses and long-term steroid use. Read on for some ideas.


There are many factors that go into the overall cost of dental implants. First, there is the initial procedure. This includes the insertion of the implant into the jaw bone and the placement of an abutment and crown. It also includes any preparatory procedures required to make the jaw bone ready for an implant, like a sinus lift or bone graft.

Another cost to consider is the type of implant. Dental implants are typically made of titanium, a material that offers strength and durability as well as a unique ability to fuse directly to the bone through a process known as osseointegration. Other materials are currently being explored, but they have yet to be proven as effective as titanium.

If you have dental insurance, the costs of your implant surgery may be covered. Additionally, there are tax-advantaged accounts that can be used to pay for dental implant services, such as FSAs and HSAs. These accounts allow you to set aside pre-tax money from your paycheck each month to cover eligible medical expenses, including dental implants.


The treatment plan involves a number of steps that vary depending on your unique situation. This includes evaluation and planning, surgically placing implants, healing, and then putting on final restorations. The procedure can take months or even a year.

The dentist will examine the state of your gums and jaw bones. A CT scan of your mouth may also be needed to determine how much healthy bone remains and if you need a bone graft. This is done if the jawbone is too soft or thin.

If you do need a graft, the surgeon may use synthetic bone material or processed pig, cow, or human bone to augment your jaw. The next step involves making a cut in the gum to expose the bone socket. A metal implant post, the equivalent of a tooth’s root, is then screwed into place. After healing, a collar or cap is screwed atop the stud to secure it. A bridge or denture can then be fashioned to fill the gap in your smile.


As with any surgical procedure, dental implants can have complications. However, proper pre- and post-operative care can significantly reduce this risk. Infection is one of the most common problems associated with implant surgery and can occur in the form of an abscess or peri-implantitis (an infection that affects the soft tissue surrounding a tooth implant). Mild inflammation and sensitivity may respond to professional cleaning and better home care, but persistent infections can only be treated with antibiotics.

Other problems can include bone loss, damage to adjacent teeth, and looseness of the implant. Bone loss is a natural response to the absence of teeth, but dental implants can slow or stop bone loss by stimulating the area and preventing bone resorption.

Lastly, the space left by missing teeth can destabilize nearby teeth and lead to problems with your biting or chewing. A loose implant is a sign of a failure to bond with the jawbone and requires further surgery.


Most patients encounter the most pain and swelling within the first two days, but these symptoms should diminish over time. Most of the discomfort can be managed with prescription and/or OTC pain remedies. It is also advisable to rest and take it easy for about a week or so. This means avoiding strenuous activities such as running and weight training, which may lead to excessive bleeding.

During this time, it is best to stick to a soft food diet and rinse the mouth often with warm saltwater solutions. Brushing the teeth is okay, but it is important to avoid the implant site directly.

During regular checkups, the dentist can assess the stability of the implant by using a variety of methods. For example, he may perform a torque test or a percussion test to determine how well the implant is fused with the jaw bone. If the implant is not stable, he may recommend bone grafts to help with the healing process. Definitely worth checking out!

